I have been using with this software for a few months, enjoying its features and versatility. The need to start using this program is that I have the intention of finding a job abroad. After looking at the labor market abroad, and observe that most of the positions which I could apply, required in most Autodesk Maya, I decided to take the plunge. So I’ve been using for a few months Maya, focusing especially on the section of rigging.

This is the first facial rig I do with Autodesk Maya. Still not finished yet, missing to do the setup of the tongue for example and improve certain things, such as weighing of some vertices, and enable and set certain properties for the script created in Python.

The deformations that can be seen in the geometry are all obtained with joints. These joints are moved by a hidden geometry, which has some blendshapes. These blendshapes are moved by the facial UI, transmitting the position of some vertices to the geometry weighed with joints. Right now I have about 70 joints used to weigh the geometry.

If anyone is interested in knowing a little about construction, do not hesitate to ask.

Once I have finished the setup will have to make a new post commenting a bit more about the process and showing the script that I am developing to facilitate the use.

Facial animation test from David Cuéllar on Vimeo.